Shri Jaipal Meel

Only when the seeds are sown carefully, only when the saplings are nurtured properly, stand tall and strong trees that bear the fruits of high quality. The same goes with imparting education to the raw students, who join our institute from every nook and corner of the country. I call them raw because they carry with them some gigantic dreams but have little idea about the challenges and hardships that they are likely to encounter in their journey to excellence. At that juncture, the institute stands firm and committed to convert their infant dreams into majestic realities by providing them with a powerful platform. This platform enables them to experiment with their thoughts, reshape and reinvent their personalities and above all, gives them the strength to decide their path for the future.
With these perceptions and observations, the institute embarked on its journey 9 years ago and the name that the institute has earned today is a result of our consistent focus on maximizing the individual potential. Each student of our institute is a brick that helps us build a strong building. Things have changed manifold during these long years. From the single block to the present monumental structure, from a handful of faculty members to the present brigade of teachers, the institute has witnessed many positive developments. Yet, what remains the same is the focus with which we started our journey. It is true that things are never over for ever and we too are a part of this continuum. Whatever has been achieved appears small in comparison to what is still to be achieved. Yet, the battle is already half won, if we can act as a catalyst in our students' lives.
Good wishes to our new students.